The Witnesses Initiative
Just like witnesses in the past, we are dedicated to faithfully sharing the history of the Restored Church.
About the Initiative
Just like the Three Witnesses, the Eight Witnesses, and the many other witnesses since, we invite you to be a witness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of living prophets, of ongoing revelation, and especially of our Savior Jesus Christ. For the last several years we have dedicated our efforts to testifying of these things by proclaiming the Gospel and helping to perfect the saints through various media projects, including the theatrical movies Witnesses and Six Days in August. We invite you to join us in getting this essential message to as wide an audience as possible.
The Films

The Three Witnesses faced persecution, trials of faith, and even risk of death, but they never denied what they saw. Come to know the men who held a sure witness of the golden plates, and increase your own witness that the Book of Mormon is inspired scripture for our day.
Mark Goodman
James G. Jordan
Deborah D. Peterson

Undaunted Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
Were the eleven official witnesses—twelve if you include Joseph Smith himself—of the Book of Mormon reliable? What about the unofficial witnesses who interacted with the plates in various ways—including a number of women? Were the plates actually made of gold? How could witnesses really hear the voice of God and yet come to doubt His prophet?
Mark Goodman
James G. Jordan
Deborah D. Peterson

Six Days in August
The Prophet Joseph Smith is dead, killed by a mob. Enemies of the young Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints think it will die with Joseph. In fact that danger is real. The crisis is undeniable, and the members in Nauvoo are in chaos. The Saints had never before experienced the death of a president of the Church; this was uncharted territory. The film introduces a young, much lesser-known Brigham Young with gifts, fortitude, and skill-sets as well as a history of hard work, sacrifice, and service that uniquely prepared him to lead at that exact time.
Mark Goodman
James G. Jordan
Deborah D. Peterson
All InsightsJoseph Smith: Man, Prophet—or Both?
As an uneducated farm boy claiming to see God the Father, Jesus Christ, and various angels, Joseph Smith also claimed to translate an ancient record and receive modern revelation. Experiencing sorrow and failure as well as joy and success in his abbreviated life, he was eventually killed by a mob for his beliefs. Can someone be both very human and also a mouthpiece for God?

Blessings of Kirtland
Some of the Church’s darkest hours happened in Kirtland, with financial failures and large-scale apostasy. But this was also one of the greatest periods in early Church history for outpourings of revelation and miracles.

Sidney Rigdon and the Witnesses
Sidney Rigdon was a fiery orator, a defender of the faith, and Joseph’s Smith’s right hand for many years, who also experienced shared revelations with the prophet. And yet, after the death of Joseph, he left the Church, founding one of his own. Who was this former minister from Ohio?

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